P is for a Priceless Picture

One of the greatest struggles I face in life is trying to pick one of my favorite pictures that I’ve taken personally. I love to capture the natural beauty of everything around me. I feel like our society has lost sight of what is truly important. We come into this world wearing nothing, doing nothing, just existing. I try my best to capture this same principle in my photographs. The basis of humanity. For this assignment, I picked my favorite photograph, (despite great struggle), and I emulated my deepest feelings given from the picture, recalling the day, as well as memories from the time the picture was taken.

P is for a priceless picture.

People often forget that winter didn’t start until mid December that year. In Calgary, snow fills the street by October and refuses to leave until May showers bring the June flowers. We call it “the post up spot”. It refers to my space, our space, a place that fills my mind and soul. It’s simply…. well, it’s just the post up spot. I know it doesn’t mean much to you, but along a deserted dirt road, behind a neighborhood full of people that have dwellings but lack homes, lies this spot.


What we do at the spot is our business. If you want to know that badly just ask, I won’t lie.


A layer of ice coated the snow saturate field, all locked behind a transparent doorway created by wood entangled barbed wire. The clouds shrouded the sky, but the sun was having none of it. Pale yellow transitions into an unpigmented upper atmosphere. The sky always fights back, refusing to let both the  sun and the clouds take precedence, a battle that’s fought all day long with the same winner. The moon. 



Through the snow comes a single blade of grass that has forgotten what it feels like to be green. This single blade thrives above the snow for it knows that the sunlight it receives is more than others get. There’s so much to be seen from such a small picture. Albert Einstein spoke on beauty. He said, “ Look deep into nature, then you will understand everything much better”. The natural beauty of life is enough to truly fascinate everyone if you pay close enough attention.


Close enough attention……  


Attention to what? The smallest minute colour visible in photos? No. That’s a little too close.

Look at what you previously overlooked, at the details that seem too simple. These details are where you find exactly what you’ve been searching for. Some find meaning, others find what has been lost to them for a lifetime….

I found a spot.






A post up spot.     


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